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gadget4_Build_README.txt 1005 B
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Building Instructions | Benchmark Galaxies Collision

Environment software need in the system: MPI (e.g., MPICH, OpenMPI, IntelMPI), FFTW3, GSL, HDF5

1. Load the environment modules necessary to compile and run the code, e.g,

module load \
data/HDF5/1.10.6-gompi-2020a \
numlib/FFTW/3.3.8-gompi-2020a \

2. In Makefile.systype select the machine you are using

3. In folder buildsystem make sure you have the and (xxx = cluster name)
set with the proper paths and compilation options, respectively.
4. Compile the code

make EXEC=gadget4-collgal

5. mkdir gallcol_run

6. cp gadget4-collgal gallcol_run

7. You need the extra files to run the code: param.txt and TREECOOL (they are in the folder gadget4/examples/CollidingGalaxiesSFR)

Make sure that in param.txt you set the path to the initial conditions file.

8. set your SLURM configuration file to your needs and launch the run.