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title: Setup
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root: .
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Our lesson template is kept in the `swcarpentry/styles` repository. The `styles` repository is carefully curated so that 
changes made to it are easily mergable by downstream lessons. The `styles` repository contains various 
bits that take Markdown files and render them as a lesson web page. For more information on how to develop 
lessons and maintain them, see our [lesson-example](lesson-example). It will walk you through the basics of lesson 
design and how to use GitHub, Markdown and Jekyll for lesson development. Follow the instructions below to make
your own empty lesson in your own GitHub account. Once you've done that you can just write Markdown code and have 
Jonah Duckles's avatar
Jonah Duckles committed
lesson web pages just like the [lesson-example](lesson-example) and all of our other lessons, but with your lesson content.
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* A GitHub account
* A working python environment to run the lesson initialization script
Erin Becker's avatar
Erin Becker committed
* (Optional) A local install of [Jekyll]( (version 3.2 or higher) which will require the Ruby language to be installed.
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Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
## Creating a New Lesson

We will assume that your user ID is `timtomch` and the name of your
new lesson is `data-cleanup`.
1.  We'll use the [GitHub's importer][importer] to make a copy of this repo in your own GitHub account.
(Note: This is like a GitHub Fork, but not connected to the upstream changes)
2.  **Put the URL of [the styles repository][styles]** ( in the "Your 
    old repository’s clone URL" box.
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Greg Wilson committed
    Do *not* use the URL of this repository,
    as that will bring in a lot of example files you don't actually want.

3.  Select the owner for your new repository.
    In our example this is `timtomch`,
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
    but it may instead be an organization you belong to.

4.  Choose a name for your lesson repository.
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
    In our example, this is `data-cleanup`.

5.  Make sure the repository is public.
6.  At this point, you should have a page like this:
Jonah Duckles's avatar
Jonah Duckles committed
    ![]({{ page.root }}/fig/using-github-import.png)
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed

    You can now click "Begin Import".
    When the process is done,
    you can click "Continue to repository" to visit your newly-created repository.
    Through the Github interface you can begin to edit and 
7.  If you want to work on the lesson from your local machine, you can 
    now clone your newly-created repository to your computer:
    $ git clone -b gh-pages
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
    {: .language-bash}
    Note that the URL for your lesson will have your username and chosen repository name.
8.  Go into that directory using:
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed

    $ cd data-cleanup
    {: .language-bash}
    Note that the name of your directory should be what you named your lesson 
    on the example this is `data-cleanup`.
9. To be able to pull upstream style changes, you should manually add the 
     styles repository as a remote called `template`:
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed

    $ git remote add template
    {: .language-bash}
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed

    This will allow you to pull in changes made to the template,
    such as improvements to our CSS style files.
    (Note that the user name above is `swcarpentry`, *not* `timtomch`,
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
    since you are adding the master copy of the template as a remote.)

10. Make sure you are using the `gh-pages` branch of the lesson template:

    $ git checkout gh-pages
    {: .language-bash}

	This will ensure that you are using the most "stable" version of the
	template repository. Since it's being actively maintained by the
	Software Carpentry community, you could end up using a development branch
	that contains experimental (and potentially not working) features without
	necessarily realising it. Switching to the `gh-branch` ensures you are
	using the "stable" version of the template.

11. Run `bin/` to create all of the boilerplate files
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
    that cannot be put into the styles repository
    (because they would trigger repeated merge conflicts).

Kenneth Gillen's avatar
Kenneth Gillen committed
12. Create and edit files as explained further in [the episodes of this lesson]({{ page.root }}/#schedule).
13. (requires Jekyll Setup from below) Preview the HTML pages for your lesson:
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed

    $ make serve
    {: .language-bash}
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed

14. Commit your changes *and the HTML pages in the root directory of
    your lesson repository* and push to the `gh-pages` branch of your

    $ cd data-cleanup
    $ git add changed-file.html
    $ git commit -m "Explanatory message"
    $ git push origin gh-pages
    {: .language-bash}
Raniere Silva's avatar
Raniere Silva committed
15. [Tell us][email] where your lesson is so that we can add it to
Greg Wilson's avatar
Greg Wilson committed
    the appropriate index page(s).


1.  SSH cloning (rather than the HTTPS cloning used above)
    will also work for those who have set up SSH keys with GitHub.

2.  Once a lesson has been created, please submit changes
    for review as pull requests that contain *only the modified Markdown files*.
    Do *not* submit generated HTML.

3.  Some people have had intermittent errors during the import process,
    possibly because of the network timing out.
    If you experience a problem, please re-try;
    if the problem persists,
Raniere Silva's avatar
Raniere Silva committed
    please [get in touch][email].

## Setup Instructions for a specific existing lesson

1.  Installation instructions for core lessons are included in
    the [workshop template's home page][template],
    so that they are all in one place.
    The `` files of core lessons link to
    the appropriate sections of the [workshop template page][workshop-repo].

2.  Other lessons' `` include full installation instructions organized by OS
    (following the model of the workshop template home page).

## (Optional) Jekyll Setup for Lesson Development

If you want to set up Jekyll
so that you can preview changes on your own machine before pushing them to GitHub,
you must install the software described below.
(Note: Julian Thilo has written instructions for
[installing Jekyll on Windows][jekyll-windows].)

1.  **Ruby**.
    This is included with Linux and Mac OS X;
    the simplest option on Windows is to use [RubyInstaller][ruby-installer].
    You can test your installation by running `ruby --version`.
    For more information,
    see [the Ruby installation guidelines][ruby-install-guide].

2.  **[RubyGems][rubygems]**
    (the package manager for Ruby).
    You can test your installation by running `gem --version`.

3.  **[Jekyll][jekyll]**.
    You can install this by running `gem install jekyll`.

4.  **R Packages**.
    We use [knitr][cran-knitr], [stringr][cran-stringr], and [checkpoint][cran-checkpoint]
    to format lessons written in R Markdown,
    so you will need to install these to build R lessons
    (and this example lesson).

If you want to run `bin/` (which is invoked by `make lesson-check`)
you will need Jekyll (so that you have its Markdown parser, which is called Kramdown)
and the [PyYAML][pyyaml] module for Python 3.

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Raniere Silva committed