- Jan 13, 2017
Raniere Silva authored
Close #81
Raniere Silva authored
Close #80
- Jan 09, 2017
Raniere Silva authored
Merge last changes on https://github.com/swcarpentry/styles/
Raniere Silva authored
Raniere Silva authored
Knit episodes only when any one RMarkdown source changes
Raniere Silva authored
Adding Google Analytics
Raniere Silva authored
add more information about pkgs needed to build the lesson
Raniere Silva authored
Unifying links in a single file
Raniere Silva authored
Adding comments on purposes of include files
Raniere Silva authored
Using page.previous and page.next for links instead of loop
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
Raniere Silva authored
lesson.scss: 2em left padding for lists
Raniere Silva authored
Auto-generating IDs for glossary items
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
Raniere Silva authored
Fixing layout of descriptions of standard pages
- Jan 08, 2017
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
1. Create file `_includes/links.md` with definitions of all links. 2. Replace links at the bottom of Jekyll'd `.md` files with inclusion of that file. 3. Modify `bin/lesson_check.py` to load and check definitions in this file. This eliminates most redundancy in link definitions, though `CONTRIBUTING.md` and `README.md` still contain their own links, since they are not Jekyll'd. Note that we *cannot* put the links into `_layouts/*.html` (or even `_layouts/something.md`) because of the order in which Jekyll expands things - we have to explicitly include it in each page.
- Jan 03, 2017
Raniere Silva authored
Change target of setup link from .md to site page
Gerard Capes authored
The link worked fine, but directing people to the setup.md file instead of the rendered page means that other links don't work - such as item 12 in the setup page: https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-example/blob/gh-pages/setup.md
- Jan 02, 2017
Raniere Silva authored
Update a few files to make this directly readable on github
- Dec 31, 2016
Ian Carroll authored
- Dec 30, 2016
C. Titus Brown authored
C. Titus Brown authored
- Dec 14, 2016
Maxim Belkin authored
Example of the problem: see "Ten Things You Need To Know" from http://swcarpentry.github.io/lesson-example/ For numbered lists that have more that 9 elements 1 em padding on the left is not sufficient. The result is that "1" in numbers "10" and above is printed on top of the border of encapsulating HTML block. 2 em padding solves this problem for lists with less that 100 elements. It should be safe to safe to assume that numbered lists in Carpentries' lessons should not have more than 99 items.
- Dec 06, 2016
François Michonneau authored
François Michonneau authored
- Nov 29, 2016
François Michonneau authored
fixes styles/#87
- Nov 24, 2016
Greg Wilson authored
Fixing reference to 'last episode'
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
- Nov 08, 2016
Greg Wilson authored
Starting to incorporate Library Carpentry materials
Greg Wilson authored
Greg Wilson authored
- Oct 31, 2016
Raniere Silva authored
Add link to setup from schedule