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# LaTeX package for a PRACE white paper
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(c) CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.  
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    original author: Martti Louhivuori (  
    Dirk Broemmel (

Please report any problems with this template to `` or contribute directly to this repository.
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The latest version of the required files is available as download: [PRACE-Whitepaper.tar.gz](
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Enable the writing of a PRACE project report in LaTeX with minimal typographical effort. Uses a pre-defined document class 'prace' that automatically sets the correct document style and layout as well as provides custom macros for the ease-of-use of the writer.
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`prace.cls`      : LaTeX document class  
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`template.tex`   : PRACE white paper template  
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`prace-logo.[pdf|eps|png]` : logo of PRACE (used by prace.cls)  
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The `example` directory contains a full example:  
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`example.tex` : example of a filled-in template  
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`example.pdf` : example PRACE white paper  
`example.[eps|png]` : figure used in the example white paper  
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Some LaTeX packages are assumed to be present for this class to work: e.g. `siunitx` (for properly formatted numbers+units), `booktabs`, `iftex`, and `fancyhdr` (which should be updated at some point).  
To have fonts closely following Times New Roman, `pdflatex` requires `mathptmx` whereas `lualatex` or `xelatex` use `FreeSerif` via the `fontspec` package. 
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1) copy `template.tex` to `yourname_yourproject.tex`
2) fill in all the required information in `yourname_yourproject.tex` using your favorite text editor
3) convert `.tex` to `.pdf`, e.g. `pdflatex yourname_yourproject`
4) send the resulting PDF to PRACE

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\author[<affiliation>]{<name of the author>}
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Defines the name and affiliation(s) of an author. The affiliation(s) should be given as a comma-separated list of integers corresponding to the order of \affiliation definitions.
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Flags the following \author definition as the corresponding author.
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\affiliation{<name and address>}
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Defines the name and address of an affiliation. The syntax should be 'Name, Street, Postcode and City, Country'.
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\email{<e-mail address>}
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Defines the e-mail address of the corresponding author.
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Defines an already reserved DOI prior to producing the final version.

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All these macros should be used in the pre-amble of the document, so that all the required information is defined before calling `\maketitle`. In the main body of the document you can use default LaTeX commands for sections, figures etc., but you should refer to the comments in the `template.tex` for further information regarding the required structure, syntax and nomenclature in a PRACE white paper.