generate_md_episodes <- function() {
if (require("knitr") && packageVersion("knitr") < '1.9.19')
stop("knitr must be version 1.9.20 or higher")
if (!require("stringr"))
stop("The package stringr is required for generating the lessons.")
if (require("checkpoint") && packageVersion("checkpoint") >= '0.4.0') {
required_pkgs <-
checkpoint:::scanForPackages(project = "_episodes_rmd",
verbose=FALSE, use.knitr = TRUE)$pkgs
stop("The checkpoint package (>= 0.4.0) is required to build the lessons.")
missing_pkgs <- required_pkgs[!(required_pkgs %in% rownames(installed.packages()))]
if (length(missing_pkgs)) {
message("Installing missing required packages: ",
paste(missing_pkgs, collapse=", "))
## find all the Rmd files, and generate the paths for their respective outputs
src_rmd <- list.files(pattern = "??-*.Rmd$", path = "_episodes_rmd", full.names = TRUE)
dest_md <- file.path("_episodes", gsub("Rmd$", "md", basename(src_rmd)))
## knit the Rmd into markdown
mapply(function(x, y) {
knitr::knit(x, output = y)
}, src_rmd, dest_md)